New Scout & Parent Info
Getting Started
Youth can join Troop 16 who…
- have earned the Arrow of Light rank and are at least 10 years old, or
- have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10, or
- who are at least 11 years old, but not yet 18 years old.
Webelos / Arrow of Light: Troop 16 conducts an Arrow of Light ceremony every year, typically in December, when Webelos from Pack 16 are formally welcomed into the troop. This is an important achievement and milestone in Scouting. It is both a celebration and the first day on which they begin the trail to Eagle.
Welcome to Troop 16!
We are happy you chose our troop and look forward to working with you and your Scout to advance on the trail to Eagle Scout. Before we get to that point, there are many things you will need to know to get started.
Youth Leadership
First, it is important to understand that Scouting is a youth-led organization. Scouting provides endless opportunities for youth to learn, lead, and grow. Troop 16 Scouts make decisions (and sometimes mistakes), but well-trained adults are always present to ensure a safe and healthy environment is provided. This gives our Scouts a safe place to build character through shared successes and failures.
The Patrol Method and Leadership Roles
Secondly, Scouts lead one another using the Patrol Method, while following the Scout Oath and Law. Each patrol is comprised of approximately 8 Scouts, and together, all patrols comprise the troop. Each patrol is led by an elected Patrol Leader who reports to the troop’s elected Senior Patrol Leader. Patrols are realigned twice each year. This gives new Scouts opportunities to serve in leadership as Patrol Leaders, Quartermasters, and other leadership roles.
Scout Oath
“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
Scout Law
“A Scout is
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
— Troop 16 focuses on 5 primary activities —
1. Weekly Troop Meetings
Every Monday, we meet from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at HJ’s Community Center to learn, plan and prepare. Our troop meetings typically take on the following agenda:
- 5 min – Opening Ceremony
- 5 min – Announcements
- 15 min – Skills instruction
- 20 min – Patrol breakout for review and sign-off on requirements
- 10 min – Continued learning, guest speaker, campout planning or game
- 5 min – Closing
2. Camping
Camping is at the heart of everything we do. There are 4 different types outings in which we camp:
- Monthly Campouts: We camp once a month, typically for just one night and within an easy drive of Kansas City. While most campouts are hosted on local farms or parks, others may involve a visit to an interesting and fun location. Past out-of-town campouts have included visits to the Omaha Zoo, Snow Creek, the Cosmosphere and more. We usually try to incorporate 2 out-of-town (more expensive) campouts each year. While Scouts always have fun at these venues, they also have a blast just being outdoors. It’s important for them to get outside, set up tents, build fires, cook outdoors and conduct patrol activities. This helps continue their growth and advancement in Scouting.
- Summer Camp: Every summer, we have the opportunity to spend 10 days at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. This is our one extended campout for the year. In addition to being a lot of fun, Scouts have the opportunity to make great strides in their rank advancements and merit badge completions. Swimming, hiking, exploring caves, canoeing, fishing and even rock climbing are just a few of the activities in which Scouts can participate at camp. All Scouts in Troop 16 are required to attend. Camperships are available.
- Honor Camping: Those who are eligible (based largely on age and participation) are able to pursue two forms of honor camping: (1) The Tribe of Mic-O-Say, which is a regional program available at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation, and (2) Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s national honor camping program.
- High Adventure: Scouting provides outdoor experiences that go beyond a standard campout. Each of the High Adventure camps (Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base and Summit) offer amazing experiences that are unique, fun and educational, not to mention a great value. Scouts will learn-by-doing and develop close bonds with one another. Troop 16 strives to organize 2 High Adventure trips each year. Participation in High Adventure camping is optional; it is not required to earn rank advancements or merit badges.
COVID-19 UPDATE: We have currently put our standard camping activities on “pause”, due to current social distancing guidelines. In the interim, we will organize troop activities that involve getting outdoors and completing requirements with those in our immediate circles, and when possible, meeting as a troop in a socially distanced fashion. Thank you for your patience and flexibility!
3. Advancement
Scouting provides a series of challenges and the support required to meet those challenges through the advancement method. Scouts plan their own advancement path and progress at their own pace. Advancement is comprised of the following:
- Rank Advancements: As Scouts complete requirements listed in their Scouting Handbook, they will earn higher ranks — Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and Eagle — while building confidence and self-reliance.
- Merit Badges: Scouts are required to earn 22 merit badges, in order to earn the rank of Eagle Scout. Of the 22 merit badges, 14 are “Eagle-required”, and 8 are the Scout’s choice. Â There are currently over 135 merit badges to choose from, so there is something for everyone!
- Eagle Requirements: In addition to earning 21 (soon to be 22) merit badges, Eagle Scouts must demonstrate leadership and community service in the planning and completion of an Eagle Scout Project. The Eagle Rank is the highest honor in Scouting. Prospective Eagle Scouts submit a project idea for approval that will benefit a religious institution, school or community, and then complete the project with the assistance of their troop.
4. Community Service
Troop 16 Scouts experience the value of service in nearly every aspect of Scouting. It starts with the Scout Oath, “…to help other people at all times…” and is represented in the Scout Slogan, “do a good turn daily”. Through acts of service, Scouts learn they have the ability to create positive effects in their community. Our annual activities include:
- Supporting our sponsor, St. Andrew’s Church, with a pancake breakfast on Shrove Tuesday as well as assembly of luminaries at Christmastime
- Participation in Dig Day, a 1-day planting blitz in cooperation with Kansas City Parks and Recreation
- Completion of several Eagle Scout projects throughout the year

5. Fundraising
The Troop 16 Pumpkin Patch is open on weekends from late September through Halloween. Each sale helps us raise funds for troop campouts and activities. Funds are also used to purchase new camping gear, such as tents, stoves and lanterns, when replacement is needed. Scouts volunteer in shifts so that all Scouts can participate. They find it’s a great opportunity to see business in action and to interact with those in our community.

Fees and Expenses
Dues are assessed annually in late August or early September to help fund our primary activities and operations, which include the following:
- National and Local Council fees
- Monthly campout fees/reservations
- Merit Badge Counselor fees
- Summer Camp fees, transportation and supplies
- Troop t-shirts and neckerchiefs
- Eagle Scout Courts of Honor – plaques and printed programs
- Camping gear maintenance, repair and replacement, including our trailers
Please click below for additional information:
Class A Uniform
- Shirt: Worn tucked in. Class A shirts are available in both short and long sleeves, most people choose a short sleeve shirt and then layer-up in the winter months. This saves a little money, but you’re certainly welcome to purchase both if you prefer.
- Shoulder Loops: The loops we wear on the shoulders are olive green to designate Scouts BSA.
- Pants: All Scouts will need a pair of olive green pants. Olive green shorts are acceptable in warm weather only. You can purchase pants and shorts at the Scout Shop. They will even hem them for you. However, uniform pants and shorts need not be “Scouting-branded”. Any olive green pants and shorts that are both neat and appropriate for outdoor activities are acceptable.
- Belt: Any Scouting-related belt — fabric or leather — is acceptable. Adjustable olive green belts are available at the Scout Shop.
- Socks: Like the pants, these need not be Scouting-branded. They just need to be olive green. That said, a nice variety of olive green socks are available at the Scout Shop.
- Neckerchief Slide: Neckerchief slides hold our neckerchiefs in place around the neck. Scouts often wear wooden slides that they carve by hand at Summer Camp. However, it’s always good to have a metal one to get started…or as a back-up. These can be purchased rather inexpensively at the Scout Shop.
- Emblems/Patches: All required emblems can be purchased at the Scout Shop, and if you’re not into sewing, they will be happy to take care of it for you. Required emblems include:
- US flag — For youth and adults. Often pre-sewn on new uniforms.
- Scouting World Crest — For youth and adults.
- Heart of America Council — For youth and adults.
- Troop numerals — For youth and adults. We just wear 16, as opposed to our full designation, 1016.
- Trained patch — For adults who have completed Youth Protection Training, and later, for Scouts who choose to complete optional training.
- Arrow of Light — for Webelos who have crossed over to Troop 16. Not required for Scouts who did not earn the Arrow of Light as a Cub Scout.
- Temporary Patch — the right pocket is reserved for patches of the Scout’s choice (e.g. special awards, High Adventure patches, Scouting events, etc.).
- Neckerchief: A red and blue Troop 16 neckerchief will be provided. You do not need to purchase this separately.
Class B Uniform
The Class B uniform is simply the substitution of a Scouting t-shirt for the Class A shirt and neckerchief. All else is the same, including the pants/shorts, socks and belt.
Camping Gear
Troop 16 Scouts and Leaders camp in a variety of conditions and temperatures. There are 2 phrases you hear when it comes to gear:
- Just like the Scout Motto states, it’s good to “be prepared”.
- “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing choices.” 🙂
The following table lists several items you will need on our campouts. You’ll notice some items are required, while others are recommended by those who have learned from experience.
Tent | Provided by Troop 16 | Required (2-person recommended) |
Sleeping Bag (consider temp ratings) | Required | Required |
Sleeping Pad / Thin Air Mattress | Recommended | Recommended |
Flashlight / Headlamp | Recommended | Recommended |
Mess Kit | Required | Required |
Water Bottle | Required | Required |
Backpack (internal frame, ~ 60L) | Required | Recommended or large duffel |
Hiking boots/shoes (no open-toed shoes) | Recommended | Recommended |
Scouting Handbook | Required | Not Required |
Camp Chair |
Monthly Campouts – Eagle Scouts Only |
Recommended |
Compressible Pillow | Recommended | Recommended |