Troop 16 Electronics Policy

To promote the best aspects of Scouting, we have decided to introduce an official written electronics policy. This policy has been in effect for the Troop in the past, but we feel it is important to communicate it in writing so there are no misunderstandings. Before stating the rules, we think it is important to state why we feel the rules are important. 

  1. When the Troop is on a camping trip, it is a chance for us to all get away from the noise of everyday life. Electronic devices distract us from one of the biggest benefits of camping – to get away and spend time in the outdoors. 
  2. When we are camping as a Troop, we would like to promote a spirit of community. When Scouts are off on their own to listen to music, watch video, or to type a text message into his phone, he withdraws from the Troop and our activities. 
  3. As Scout Leaders, our job is to keep our Scouts safe. We work to keep our Scouts not only physically safe, but also safe from media (songs, pictures, videos, and games) that may not be appropriate for our Scouts. Our electronics policy helps us do our job of ensuring our Scouts are not exposed to inappropriate material.

Our policy is as follows: 

  • Electronics are defined as, but not limited to, smartphones, mobile phones, music players, video players, and game systems. Purpose-built cameras are always allowed. 
  • Electronics are not permitted at Troop meetings or any Scout-related functions. If a mobile phone is seen being used, it will be confiscated and returned to the Scout at the end of the meeting/trip. Parents will be given a list of leader phone numbers so they can contact their sons in case of emergency.
  • In the case of multiple infractions (three or more), a meeting between the Scout, parents, and three representatives from the Troop Leadership Committee will be necessary. 

To our Adult leaders, we encourage you to set a good example for the entire Troop. You may need your phone in case of emergencies, but we hope you’ll keep it in your pocket otherwise. You’ll likely find sharing in conversation and activities to be a very therapeutic break from the workplace.

Thank you in advance for your help in enforcing this policy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Scoutmaster or the Leadership Committee.